Dedicated to Awakening Earthlings
Inspired by, and extending,
the vision of Pierre Teilhard de Chardin
I'm your host, Ernie Tamminga. I'm a "Planet Empath", which is a source of joy, exhilaration and sorrow, often all at the same time. If that describes you, too, I hope you'll find something worthwhile here. If you're curious to know more about me and this website, take a look here.
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I have been intimately involved with Teilhard’s thought for over fifty years. Our work now is a genuine transfomative Convergence as we evolve out of the so-called Anthropocene Era into another Era we cannot yet name.
A video guide for Part 1 – “Prelife” – of Teilhard’s “The Human Phenomenon”
We must be Almost Home, if the strength of the yearning is at all a measure of the possibility. This video tries to convey that.
The word “Apocalypse” does NOT mean catastrophe and collapse. It means “the unveiling of something important that had been deeply hidden.”
from Diane Pendola: Reflections and a Prayer, for restoring and renewing the sacred land that supports our lives
A song of Good Friday. Peter and the women, at the Cross.
The awakening of the Noosphere requires (and ignites) a new kind of consciousness. Raimon Panikkar was an embodiment of that.
A prayer of Gratitude for everything that we are, everything that we have, everything that we know. This prayer is also included in the video “A Prayer for Our Planet.”
“You are the Crown of Creation – and you’ve got no place to go.”
“All that rises must converge”, says Teilhard. But what of an evolutionary moment where it seems that all is collapsing, instead?
Raimon Panikkar (1918-2010) was one of the most important visionaries of modern times in the area of cross-cultural spirituality and contemplative, non-dual awareness.
We used to know them. They used to know us. If we remembered how that was, we would not be driving them (and ourselves) toward extinction.
And we’ll be the pulse of all of Creation, when our hearts are beating in rhyme.
a celebration of the glory and the pain of being alive and awake on our beautiful, fragile planet. A hymn to emergence.
This video explores a theme that is crucial to an evolutionary, “Teilhardian” vision. The planetary awakening of Teilhard’s “Noosphere” depends on a cross-boundary love that goes heart-to-heart, soul-to-soul, center to center. This little video is a report from We-Space, in rhyme, images and music. “Based on a true story,” as they say…
Right here at ground level, in the eyes of a child, there is a hint of the Possible.
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